Hallo und willkommen auf meinem Blog. Hier kochen wir mit Liebe und Leidenschaft! Hier finden Sie viele leckere Koch- und Backrezepte. Leckere Hauptgerichte, Kuchen, Suppen, Salate, Quiches und mehr. Ich versuche die Rezepte in vielen Fotoschritten zu erklären, damit das Nachkochen einfach ist.

Auf Kochen aus Liebe warten verschiedene regionale, deutsche und mediterrane Rezepte auf Sie. So finden Sie zum Beispiel französische Torten- und Quiche-Rezepte von süß bis herzhaft. Meine Liebe zum Reisen spiegelt sich in vielen mediterranen und südamerikanischen Rezepten wider. Weiter finden Sie meine traditionellen deutschen Familienrezepte 

Eine große Portion Leidenschaft und ganz viel Liebe steckt von mir in diesem Blog! Ich freue mich über jeden Kommentar und Like von Dir und natürlich auch, wenn Du mich auf meinen sozialen Seiten begleitest.

Here you can find out more about me

My latest recipes

Here you can find my latest recipes 

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Base recipes

Here I have for you my most popular and best basic recipes for every occasion. Waffle dough, biscuit base, chocolate cream, meringue, syrups, jams, spice mixtures, funds & sauces, dough variants, salted lemons, spaetzle dough, dumplings and much more. Simple recipes to imitate and try. 

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Meat & Poultry

My best meat recipes at a glance that will bring variety to your everyday kitchen life. Whether cooked in the oven, roasted, boiled, grilled or fried. You will find a wide variety of meats such as Beef, pork, lamb, poultry and rabbit. Delicious goulash recipes, goose legs and Christmas goose, leg of lamb and lamb shanks, juicy ox cheeks, how to bread schnitzel and wrap classic beef roulades or cook a delicious Bolognese. Roast a classic roast with a crust in the oven and prepare Königsberger Klopse and meatballs.

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Wenn Sie gerne backen, finden Sie hier alles rund ums Backen, vor allem natürlich leckere Backrezepte!
Echte Klassiker und auch viele interessante neue Varianten für selbstgemachte Kuchen, Torten, Quiches, einfache Blechkuchen, Muffins, Brot und Weihnachtsplätzchen.
Sie finden einfache Rezepte für leckere Backwaren , verschiedene Käsekuchen-Rezepte, Gugelhupf, Erdbeerkuchen, Biskuitrolle, Pflaumenkuchen, Apfel- oder Mohnkuchen und vieles mehr.

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Fish & Seafood

I love fish and seafood and everything the sea has to offer!
Fish is healthy and you can roast, boil, fry and grill it.
Here you will find a variety of really tasty and simple fish recipes from turbot, sea bream, salmon,
Sole, cod, mussels, shrimp, squid and tuna.

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In my salad recipes you will find many classic and different salads, pasta salad, potato salad or a couscous salad recipe
Delicious low carb salads. Or salads made from a wide variety of vegetables, e.g. Beetroot salad, asparagus salad, grilled salads. In summer we like to eat a sausage salad or a Greek salad with olives and feta is particularly delicious.
The recipes are versatile, healthy and with a delicious dressing and good cold-pressed oils.
I like to layer lettuce in a mason jar and take it to work as a snack during breaks.
The salads are suitable as a starter or main course and some of them are real fillers.
I think that salads are great to combine with fruit, nuts, bacon, chicken and leftover meat or even sprouts.

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In our family we love pasta in all variations! Is this the same for you?
When you ask little kids what they want to eat, pasta with tomato sauce is at the top of your wish list!
Noodles are pasta and for my recipes I often use Italian pasta made from durum wheat semolina or sometimes fresh tagliatelle from the fresh shelf.
When I have time, I make my own pasta dough. I like to prepare noodles, spaghetti, spaetzle or pasta for quick meals. Here you will find many delicious pasta recipes that you can prepare without much effort.
In my basic recipes you will find suitable pesto recipes, which I also like to eat with my pasta!

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Soups & Stews

Here you will find recipe ideas for delicious soups and stews, they are very easy to prepare and taste excellent. Soups are wonderful! A perfect light lunch and grandma’s chicken soup will warm you up after a long winter walk. Is there anything better than starting spring with asparagus soup or wild garlic soup or turnip stew. In summer, dishes like a cold gazpacho or melon soup are refreshing and delicious.
Soul food in autumn? Delicious pumpkin soup, potato soup, beef soup and savoy stew
and in winter, kale, swede, lentil soup, black salsify, or barley soup
Here you will find many seasonal soups and stews that are delicious, classic and simply cooked.

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Dessert & Sweets

A heavenly temptation, a successful dessert simply crowns every meal! Whether as a quick dessert in a glass, mousse, creams, tiramisu, ice cream or parfait, a dessert crowns every menu. Sweet beans and children love sweets. Here you will find  Kaiserschmarrn, pancake recipes, French crepes, semolina pudding and rice pudding are also quick to prepare and especially delicious when you cook them yourself..

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If you don’t feel like eating meat, you’ll find delicious vegetarian main dishes here with lots of fresh vegetables for varied cooking fun. With recipes for every day, delicious pumpkin gnocchi, zucchini pancakes, spinach dumplings, mushroom risotto, cannelloni, couscous and much more.

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